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Thursday, 27 June 2013

"Google Nose" Another April Fool's Day Prank by Google

So guy's today is 1st April that is regarded as a April Fool's Day, so people usually find few ways to prank their friends and relatives well earlier posted April day Pranks from Google are still working and yet they have come with another awesome prank called Google Nose. Well Google has taken that virtual smelling future concept and let me tell you guys the way they design these pranks, even I was confused what the hell is that new service as they are promoting this by displaying a link on their homepage.
So I trusted their service and started following steps as they were by them, and afterwards I became April Fool as it was totally fake, so the creativity Google adds into their service is incredible, and let me tell you the way it works you will even love it out.
So now just visit their website Google Nose website and click on Try Google Nose, now you will be taken to the search results page, just on the right hand side you will see thress option's just click on Smell.

Now it will ask you to get as much close to the screen as you can and then press Enter or click on Start Smelling option. Now as bar will load and it will get over.
So now its just a prank, they have given many other things that you can smell out by choosing them and clicking on them. Well have fun with this service and make sure to share this with your friends and make them April Fool's do comment for any problem.

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