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Thursday, 11 July 2013

How to Share Banned Links on Facebook Easily you all might be aware about it’s a URL shortening paying service used by millions to share links and earn some money out of it. Its not like you will make some awesome $$$ out of it but as a free service of just sharing and making money it’s a good option and it sincerely pays not like the scam. Links are like frustrating when anyone has to wait for 4 seconds to see the masked link but still people use it as they are not free enough to work for no money so for the frustrating people you can bypass links using simple extensions.
Well people use to gain more clicks to their links when they used to share there links on facebook, but now as you all know facebook has banned the word and you are not able to share any links related to word. So now its really difficult for anyone to share links on Facebook and make some money. Well we have a good way with which you can share your links on facebook.
  1. First step is too mask your URL with
  2. Now copy the link and visit and paste your link and press make url2it, to mask it again.
  3. Now just share this URL on facebook that’s it now anyone who click on this converted url will get redirected to link that will again show that 5 seconds advertisement and hence you will make money.
So this method works like a charm, if you face any problem using this method just comment below so that I check the issue and resolve it.

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