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Saturday, 13 July 2013

TrickedOutTimelime Creates Freaky Facebook Timeline Covers

If you love to impress your Facebook friends or page fans than you know that you have a way to post a nice image on your timeline and than people can enjoy that image. We have also posted earlier a good online website that helps you in creating nice timeline covers for Facebook. But today we found another awesome website which can take your covers to the next level by giving a freaky touch to it. Well many professionals have already created covers like these and now you can also create some covers like below and impress your friends.
TrickedOutTimeline is a online trick covers creating website which I just discovered right now and enjoyed creating my first cover on it and thought that I should share the whole bunch of procedure for creating your own timeline covers. With TrickedOutTimeline you can give your profile a zoom effect, a mosaic old touch, merge two images together and create some awesome result and lots more.

How to make Tricky Timeline Cover :

1. Visit and click on any one of the above layout’s given on their website. (I tried the zoomable one and output was awesome.)
2. Now you will be taken to the image uploading option, from where you can upload an image from your computer or choose the current Facebook profile proto by signing in.
3. Now just adjust the selection on the image for what part you need and check the preview rendering on the right, when satisfied with the preview just click on the Done option.

4. Now your image will be precessed and you will get a option to like their page before you can download your images, just like their page and you will get image downloading options like below.
5. Download both the images Cover and Profile, now just login to your Facebook account and than click on change profile and change cover and upload the ones you have downloaded from this website.

Voila ! Enjoy these new tricky and freaky timeline covers for your Facebook, now its time to share your profile with your friends and impress them up, make sure to like this post if you got benefited from it.

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